Industry 4.0 Forum Catalan Industrial Engineers Association

The Industry 4.0 Board of the Catalan Industrial Engineers Association has organised the Industry 4.0 Forum


The Catalan Industrial Engineers Association is a driving force that is pushing towards technological proposals for the immediate future becoming known and expanding to the Catalan industry.


The Industry 4.0 Forum has two main objectives:


–To transport the state of the art of Industry 4.0 knowledge to the Catalan industrial fabric, taking the developments and trends presented at the Hannover Messe 2016 as a reference.

–To show real examples that will improve understanding of the potential of the technologies and their application in the manufacturing industry.

Industry, and especially the manufacturing industry, is undergoing a transformation in automatization processes under the umbrella of the Industry 4.0 concept, an initiative presented in 2011 and mainly led by the German institutions and industrial fabric. For this reason, the Industry 4.0 board organised Forum 4.0, an event created this year with a view to becoming established as a reference of Industry 4.0 trends in Catalonia.

During the intervention, Pere Homs, Director General of the Catalan Industrial Engineers Association, pointed out that “in addition to the current way of discussing the Industry 4.0, we need to debate and work with rigour and content if we want to make the most of the opportunities that have arisen”. The session revolved around robotics, additive manufacturing, intralogistics, embedded electronics and integration software as the fields that will define the new industry 4.0.

Jordi Baiget, Minister of Business and Knowledge, was at the ceremony. During his closing speech, he stated that “to date, the Industry 4.0 has helped us to recover the idea that this sector is a stable source of social value and wellbeing, an idea that had been lost for some time. We therefore celebrate the creation of this Industry 4.0 Forum”.


The Industry 4.0 Forum will continue into the future and will receive institutional collaboration from the ACCIÖ department of the Catalan Government, AMEC, Eureca, and the support of companies from the KUKA sector, Schneider Electric, Renishaw, ABB, automation and instruments engineering, and Hannover Messe.

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